Tree of savior mage tower 2f
Tree of savior mage tower 2f

tree of savior mage tower 2f

Swell Left Arm – Increases your and party members’ physical and magic attack stats.C2 and C3’s skills bring more benefits but at the cost of not getting higher Circles in damage classes. Buffs and debuffs abound with the Transpose skill sticking out for Wizards that want to be more durable. Wizard’s second total support class, Thaumaturge is less straight-forward than Linker. For instance if one party member has DEX higher than the rest, that stat will be shared with the party. Lifeline (Circle 3) – Shares a party’s highest stats among all its members.Spiritual Chain (Circle 2) – Links party members together to share buffs.Hangman’s Knot – Tightens the link to cluster enemies together.Joint Penalty – Links enemies together so they share damage taken.The more links (the more points spent in it), the less damage an individual takes. Physical Link – Connects party members to share damage between them, lowering the damage taken by an individual.Lifeline (C3) in particular is an amazing boon to any party but requires you forgo the damage you’d get from going C3 in other classes. There’s not much damage to be found in Linker but its enemy and party-linking abilities are indispensable at higher levels. Linker is just one of the support-oriented classes Wizards can pick up. Gravity Pole (Circle 3) – Shoots out a line of energy that pulls enemies into it and deals continuous damage at the cost of 2% SP per second.Raise (Circle 3) – Lifts enemies into the air for a few seconds, designating them as flying type.Can be specced into via attributes to stun. Magnetic Force (Circle 2) – Pulls enemies within range together to deal damage to one another.Teleportation – Teleports you to a random location within the skill’s range.Can swap with multiple enemies at a time with more levels in Swap. Swap – Lets you swap places with an enemy.

tree of savior mage tower 2f

You can choose where to throw the target. Telekinesis – Picks up an enemy, throws it, and deals damage.Psychic Pressure – Inflicts continuous damage to a target at the cost of 1% SP consumed per second.Psychokino is another CC-heavy class but handles it differently from the previously highlighted Cryomancer and other debuff-oriented classes because of its increased focus on controlling the field and staying safe with its Telekinesis, Swap, and Teleportation skills. Frost Pillar (Circle 3) – Summons an ice tree that pulls enemies toward it with a chance to freeze them.Snow Rolling (Circle 3) – Jump on a giant snowball and roll it around to crush enemies and deal damage.Gust (Circle 2) – AoE ability that pushes enemies back and deals damage.Subzero Shield (Circle 2) – Summons an ice shield for yourself that deals damage when hit and has a chance of freezing enemies.Ice Blast – Deals damage to a frozen enemy in front of you but may remove the freezing debuff when used.Ice Wall – Summons an ice wall that deals damage on cast and has a chance to freeze nearby enemies.Ice Pike – Sends out ice spikes in a line on the ground to deal damage, with a chance of freezing enemies.Ice Bolt – Shoots out an ice bolt that deals damage and has a chance to freeze an enemy.Going deep into C2 or C3 is best done if you need more CC in your build rather than damage. This is more of a utility class than Pyromancer. Consumes SP for each second it is used.Īll of the Cryomancer’s skills deal ice damage and most provide some much-needed CC in the form of freezing.

tree of savior mage tower 2f

Hell Breath (Circle 3) – Blows flames directly in front of you to deal continuous damage to enemies.Fire Pillar (Circle 2) – Summons a fire pillar that deals repeated damage to enemies within it.Flame Ground – Places a magic circle that deals continuous damage to enemies within the circle.Flare – AoE skill that catches enemies aflame then makes them explode.Enchant Fire – Increases your party’s fire damage while adding fire damage to their attacks.Gets bigger with each skill point placed. Fire Wall – Places a wall that damages enemies who pass through it.Fireball – Summons a fireball that does continuous damage.Picking up Circle 2 or 3 is mostly done for additional skill levels, but Fire Pillar and Hell Breath are nothing to scoff at. Circle 1 is enough for some but the damage of Pyromancer skills ramps up well with additional skill levels.

tree of savior mage tower 2f

All of the Pyromancer’s skills, fittingly enough, do fire damage.

Tree of savior mage tower 2f